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EDGC, Transplants Genome into Metaverse World!

Date : 22-01-03 10:20 Number of views : 3,662


Eone Diagnomics Genome Center Co., Ltd. (EDGC), one of the global genome companies, launches the business model for platform technology to realize next generation value of genome big data. 


On 3rd, EDGC announced that it would participate in the consortium for ‘AI Human Metaverse Project’ with other 7 companies including Maxst (the listed AR/VR-leading company), Class Soft (the game platform and contents developer), etc. and provide YouWho, the genome big data engine.


AI Human Metaverse Project aims at creating the parallel universe that is mirroring the real world to the virtual world by grade. It is the 4th generation social network service (SNS) where hundreds of millions of users can perform social-economic activities such as videos, performances, games, fashion, smart healthcare, etc. and even various business transactions using their avatar and based on fusion of reality and virtuality.


The primary profit models include value creation by using a cyber-model (e.g., ROZY from Shinhan Life) and establishment of meta commerce environment via games (e.g., Roblox). Companies can perform marketing activities for new products and new technologies in fast and safe manner as move into the cyberspace.


In such metaverse, EDGC plays a role of inserting YouWho, the genome big data engine analyzing approximately 780,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) among 3 billion base pairs in human DNA, into the avatars. Avatars with metaverse users’ own DNA characteristics was created as the first attempt based on YouWho engine, which could highly enhance bonding and engagement with their “main character” and expand its base to “sub-character” experience contents.


The users will acquire future experience they want to fulfil in the real world, via the simulation result obtained under the real life-like circumstances and conditions while living in the metaverse space. For instance, not only the gene effects on health including obesity, alopecia, insomnia, and recovery from alcohol, but also the game items and contents using DNA Lineage can be determined by YouWho engine.


YouWho engine of EDGC is the state-of-the-art technology based on genome big data and the platform technology available for continuous profit-making just like musical copyrights, which can be utilized in most of the fields close to everyday life beyond precision medicine, new drug development, and smart healthcare, such as food, finance, telecommunication, game industry, etc.


EDGC has accumulated genome data while participating in the global 10-million genome standardization project as the one and only Asian company among other 12 worldwide institutions including world-class genome service companies Illumina, Broad Institute of Harvard University, and 23andMe, Inc., etc.


Tae Hyun Kim, the director of EDGC, said “I am glad to witness the process that genome big data is provided and inserted in the metaverse for the first time in the world” and added “I am sure that YouWho engine as a non-imitable technology will be the promising model for source of income”

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